Welcome to the North Dakota chapter of the Association for Talent Development. We’re glad you’re here! NDATD is a strong group of talent development professionals. Our governing board of volunteers aspires to build the highest value networking and professional development organization for learning & development professionals our region.
Our focus is your engagement and membership value! Members tell us the most beneficial components of NDATD membership are professional growth and networking. Since growth happens with practice, we want to extend to you a special invitation to become involved! NDATD offers quarterly in-person networking and monthly virtual sessions to catapult you professionally while expanding your network:
On behalf of the board of directors, we’re thrilled to extend a special invitation for you to engage and grow with us in 2024! We enjoy hearing your ideas on additional ways to continue meeting our vision. Please reach out with your thoughts and questions. We can’t wait to see you soon!
Best Regards,
Sara Madsen
President, NDATD